To My Only Son
May 15, 2022My beloved son Kolel Koyinsola Bello, you are such a joy to be around. You came into our lives as a surprise and you have been a wonderful gift from God. Thanks for always caring and giving us your parents peace of mind. You are an answered prayer even for a prayer we prayed before you were born. Your dad and I always prayed that our children would have an appetite for good things and that they wouldn’t be drawn but the affections of the world. You, my boy from a very young age show us that God answers prayers.
We love how independent you are, and how much you love to be neat, I love that you like to be neat and always want a clean environment. You truly are special and in every way I never want you to forget that. I want you to always remember your strength and know that you are unique no matter what others do or say always remain the person you are. I want you to know that you have a quiet strength about you that should never be mistaken for shyness, but you are wise, I see so much wisdom in you and that causes you to cautiously move around people. That is a good trait, don’t ignore the wisdom of God in your life.
Your name is the voice of God so know that your words carry weight. Live as someone who carries the Spirit of the living God in him and allow God to be the one that guides the choices you make in life because you are not ordinary; never forget that. I love you so much and I am thankful and beyond proud to be your mother.
Love You Boy
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