The Blog

New Thing

reflections Oct 10, 2020

You will hear me say it often that I think in music. I love music and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t listen to music. I sometimes get super extra with it; it feels like each month I have a song that I can’t shake off. I wake up with it, go to bed with it, and listen to it in all pockets of my day. This month of October the song that has been on repeat is titled “New Thing” by Hillsong Young and Free……if you don’t know I am a huge Hillsong United fan and young and free have also become a favorite.


Something about this song is so special. The lyrics, the melody it is all so simple, but so powerful. My favorite line in the song is “all I see, I still believe, you’re doing a new thing.” Something about that line speaks to me about the ability to see and believe in God even in times and seasons where it seems like everything is contrary to it. This has been one of those seasons for me where there are things I believed in and they did not happen as I expected. Singing this song every day reminds me of the truth of God’s word even when the circumstances around me say otherwise. This song has been a gift.


I hope this song serves as a reminder for you; keep believing that God’s plans will come to pass for you no matter what is before you. I also hope it causes faith to rise as you trust the path God is leading you down, remember his word says he makes all things new and beautiful concerning us so know that his love will never give up on you, have a posture of readiness and openness to what he wants to do in you and through you.



-By Hillsong Young and Free

These are the days that we prayed for
A stirring of faith has begun
And I've seen so much, still, I'm certain
That the best has not yet come

'Cause Jesus, You're not done with me
You're doing a new thing
You're doing a new thing

And I see a wave of revival
Preceded by justice and praise
The young and the old run to Jesus
Oh, and all the sins that held us back are laid to waste

Jesus, You're not done with me
You're doing a new thing
For all I've seen, I still believe
You're doing a new thing

Your love is never gonna give up
You never give up
You never give up on me

Your love is never gonna give up
You never give up
You never give up on me

Jesus, You're not done with me
You're doing a new thing
You're doing a new thing
For all I've seen, I still believe
You're doing a new thing

Your love is never gonna give up
You never give up
You never give up on me

Jesus, You're not done with me
You're doing a new thing
For all I've seen, I still believe
You're doing a new thing

We're ready for what's yet to come
Ready for what You've got next
We're ready for the past to pass
We're running where the future is
It's coming like the rising sun
We wanna see Your kingdom
Come do a new thing


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