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Mama Dearest

reflections Sep 28, 2020

It is my mother’s birthday today. Queen mother, as I love to call her sometimes, the nickname Mama G is more common in our household. I am always so thankful every year she gets to be with us. Every year she gets to enjoy the fruit of her womb, every year she gets to have good health, every year we get to love her.


My mother is everything to me, she has been through so much in life, and each year I feel more blessed that God has kept her for us. One thing myself and my siblings talk about often is how much she went through when my father died, how scary it must have been as a young barely 45-year-old to face the reality to the loss of a spouse and five kids who were all in school. We have no idea how she did it all, but we know God saw her through. There was hard season, times where we did not know where the next meal will come from, but she hustled, she did everything to make sure we did not lack anything good. She fought for us, she showed us the example of unconditional love and she prayed over us. When I think of my mother, I smile, on this birthday like any other year I am thankful that I get to be her princess. I wish she could live forever but I know that is impossible, but I pray for the rest of the years God has destined for her to be here that she will live in peace from all her toil, she will experience perfect health till she is called home and that her love for God will never die.


Happy Birthday mama dearest, thank you for being a beacon of light and allowing us, your children be who we are.


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