Children of Israel
Jun 01, 2022It is easy to read through the Old Testament and think to yourself, how did the Children of Israel ever doubt God after the signs he performed? After the great things, he did. Like seriously though, God parted the Red Sea in front of them, some of the most mind-boggling miracles, and even before that the plagues in Egypt didn’t affect them, the fact that their years of slavery and bondage came to an end in one day and still how could that for a moment not believe. How could they ever doubt, ever complain, every murmur, ever go back to idols or habits of the past……how?
One thought I have is they forgot. But how could they? If God did something like that for me, I assume I will never forget, don’t you feel the same way? But that statement is false. In Numbers 14 vs 11, “The Lord said to Moses, “How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the signs I have performed among them?” Is this not a question the Lord asks today? How long will we refuse to believe in him? Today we still treat him with contempt, don’t we?
Contempt is defined as “the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn.” “disregard for something that should be taken into account.” “the offense of being disobedient to or disrespectful.” Are we not guilty of all of the above? I know I am. Are there things God has asked you to do that you have not done? I was thinking the other day that if we truly believe God is the creator of the universe and owns everything and rules everything will we not do all He says? Let’s think through this together for a second, why don’t we do all he asks us to do? We can call it fear, pride, or anything else but God pointed it out to Moses in plain terms, we refuse to believe in Him, it is plain and simple and this lack of belief is in spite of all he has done. Can you see the heart of God in pain in that sentence? He is like I have done so much for you, I have performed signs just to remind you of who I am and yet you don’t believe. You treat me with contempt…...but for how long?
I will come back later to write more on this later, I know God was definitely showing me how I am no different from them I felt all the shade lol……..For now, I will leave this here, two things that stand out are remembering the things of old as better when God has newness in store…..The idols of the past, the idol of self, them wanting to appoint someone to take God’s position. Something else that stands out is Joshua and Caleb had good reports but the reports were not enough for the people… God’s words not being enough for us we feel we can do bad all by ourselves. Lastly my point on did they forget? Did they forget that God had a plan? Did they forget that he was the creator of the universe or did they just not write things down? Our memories fail us and we choose to remember what we want but writing things down and making them plain is essential so we can go back, even when we are afraid or doubt we can go back to the word God has spoken or the things he has done and find similarities that give us courage. Let us learn from the Bible and choose to be different.
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