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reflections Sep 05, 2020

I am used to reading devotionals on the you-version bible app and I enjoy devotionals because they add a different flavor to my time to reading the word and sometimes break up my pattern and help me see things from a different perspective. I have come to learn that although reading devotionals is great, it is nothing compared to reading the word of God so it should never replace that.


I especially love devotionals that include a lot of scripture references because I can go back and meditate on the words from God’s word and let them sit with me for a while. I am that girl who is always on the move and my mind and hands are always in motion. However, I have learned that reading is not enough, and meditation is necessary; so I “try” to be intentional about meditating. See how I said “try” because it is still a work in progress.


I bought the bible study titled “Jude” by Jakie Hill Perry in early Spring and here I am the start of fall just finishing it. It was a deep and refreshing study of the word of God like I had never done before. First of all, I had not done a devotional outside of the you-version app in a long time. This book propelled me to dissect each word of scripture and seek further parallels within the Bible and outside of it to understand the complexity of the scripture.


Now that I am done I can say I have read the book of Jude over 20 times…….the bible study makes you go back to the chapter over and over, and can I be honest? The first maybe 3 of those 20 times I did not understand a single word of what the book of Jude was about. Not because it is hard, but it is packed with so much richness in one single chapter. I also did not know Jude was one chapter of the Bible or that it was right before the book of Revelation. Sooooooo as you can see this book taught me so much on so many levels.


I am grateful to have read this devotional because it has given me a deeper appreciation for who God is and a new perspective on how I should read and approach the word of God. If you haven’t, I will encourage you to read “Jude” by Jackie Hill Perry, you won’t regret it.



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